Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Steps to a brighter future

Motivation: a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Recently I have lacked so much motivation that it has been very disheartening and basically has just made me want to give up on anything and everything within sight, not just my blog but even my college work and in general my life. I noticed these changes and suddenly had the urge to change everything around me. So I thought it was about time to do a post on some motivation tips for anyone like me out there who just feels themselves slacking.

Motivation is what our everyday lives are based on. Motivation is what drives you towards your goal and all in all what gets you up in the morning. I bet we have all had those days where we just had 'no motivation' to get up and just wanted to stay in bed all day? Am I right? In order to combat this thing which if you practise is a very good skill to have; to be able to say, I am a motivated person; you need to slowly but steadily put these what I have found very useful tips into use.

Break it up into smaller goals:
Setting yourself unrealistic huge goals to be honest just is not going to work. In order to achieve and get to the stage you want to be at, you need to set yourself mini goals and get to those stages first before you can reach that final goal at the very end. Just do not try to go for that final goal all in one go and all at once. That will become very overwhelming and in the end make you lack motivation more because you will just think you are getting nowhere, when in reality if you set smaller goals you will see progress more often and so this will keep you motivated to keep going and reach that final goal.

Reward yourself: 
Giving yourself rewards after reaching these small goals will also help keep you motivated to keep going towards the final goal. For example, if you are doing some work for school or uni, tell yourself if I get this part of the work done I can watch this programme or have this snack or can go out with friends. I usually reward myself with watching a episode of something I am currently watching on Netflix or by watching a YouTube video.

Find reasons for doing the things you need to do:
For example, one thing that really motivates me is proving people wrong. If someone says I cannot do something I will physically go out of my way to prove that person wrong. I am not sure whether that is a bad quality of mine or a bad quality of the other person to say that someone cannot do something in the first place. But all in all, it helps. Basically, just try and find a reason or reasons for doing something or getting something done. Back to the example of school or uni work, the reason to get this done could be you won't have work to do and can relax, you will achieve the grades you want and you will be one step closer to your final goal and where you want to be with the career you want in life.

Become aware of what you urges are to quit and prepare yourself for them:
If you do a certain thing or act a certain way before you just give up with it all and quit, note this down and then when the next time comes around you can be aware of these signs and stop yourself quitting. First of all you need to think of a way to prepare yourself for these urges and how to stop yourself from quitting; usually, if you sit there and remind yourself of what you are doing this for, that will help. For example, reminding yourself of why you are doing these things like the section above says or trying to think positive and remain positive.

Think positive: 
Which nicely leads me onto this section. For all of this to work, you have to think positive. Because as they say "you cannot live a positive life with a negative mind". To reach your goal you have to look at the bigger picture and ignore any set-backs. Remind yourself you are great and you can do this, one day you will get there; but of course it will take time.

Give it time, be patient: 
Again I am led nicely onto the next section. (Well done Laura for your tactical wording.) Remind yourself that things do not happen overnight, if you are trying to loose weight you won't immediately drop 2 stone overnight, if you are wanting to run a marathon you are not going to be able to wake up the next day and run the 26 or so miles that a marathon is. Everything takes time and effort. The word effort is a word that many people are scared of, and that is just something that we all have to learn to deal with because after all, it is just a word.

And finally, Find inspiration on a daily basis:
The worst thing is feeling so down one day that you just want to give up and not even get out of bed. So to fight this, you have to find one thing that inspires you every single day. Anything. Whether this be a quote, a picture, a person or even a place. Find something.

Motivation quotes:
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop"
"If you can dream it, you can do it"
"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can"
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"

Motivation is a hard thing to find and get to grips with, but hopefully one day we shall all be very motivated people.
I hope this post has helped, thank you reading.
Laura x

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