Sunday, 17 August 2014

Stress management

Have you ever been called a stress head? Ever got yourself so worked up over a situation that you have made yourself physically ill from it? Ever just wanted to turn around and say 'do you know what I'm done with this all' and give up? Then I think it's about time you started learning to deal with your stress problems.

Like many others I have gone through my fair share of stressful experiences. Many people deal with it in different ways but most people get so worked up that stress starts to become the only thing they feel anymore and they go into this state of what seems to be depression.
Here are some tips that I have tried to put into action to reduce the amount of stress I face on a day-to-day basis and I encourage you to do the same:

Avoid necessary stress
This may seem so obvious but the truth is people don't do it, most people actually make themselves involved within the stress and stress themselves out even more which can lead to arguments and illness.

  • Learn how to say no
  • Avoid people who stress you out
  • Take control of things around you
  • Avoid 'hot-button' topics (topics that may make you more stress or get you wound up) 
Alter the situation
To begin to change the way things are around you and work on your stress levels you need to alter any situations that may be or have stressed you out to avoid any further stress.
  • Express your feelings instead of bottling them up (only if it won't cause more stress and start any unecessary arguments). Bottling your feelings up can lead to more anger or frustration inside of you leading to more stress.
  • Be willing to compromise eg. Behaviour 
  • Be more assertive 
  • Manage your time better (I find writing lists of what I need to do or things I need to buy for example, lower my stress levels because I know what I have to do and don't have to remember them and can tick them off when I'm done and know they are done and dusted
Adapt to the stressor
You have to be willing to change things and learn to adapt to things.
  • Look for positives 
  • Adjust standards, everything doesn't have to be perfect
  • Look at the big picture (things will change in the future and a silly argument you will be having now you will laugh at when you are older) 
Accept the things that cannot change 
Like I said in the last part, things can't always be perfect and sometimes you just have to accept that. 
  • Don't try to control the uncontrollable (things that are out of your control, just stay away from and accept you can't control it)
  • Learn to forgive (people make mistakes and life and we aren't perfect, learn that we are all human) 
  • Learn from your mistakes (however you need to learn from these mistakes and I know sometimes it takes me making the same mistake 10 billion times for me to finally realise but eventually I get there, sometimes some people just need a bit more pushing) 
And finally make time for fun and relaxation 
If you are always working or doing things for other people, sit back and think, you need time for yourself and to make yourself happy and time to calm down,relax and reflect.
  • Have ME time
  • Connect with others (go out with your friends, be socialable or just maybe go sit downstairs and watch a film with your family or talk to people over social networking) 
  • Do something you enjoy everyday, at least one thing
  • Keep your sense of humour (never ever become a dull person and loose your personality, always be you and stay true to yourself)

I hope this has helped even just one person manage to start making those small but very beneficial changes to their life and start living for the now.
Thank you for reading 
Laura x


  1. Hey I nominated you for the Liebster Award, please check out my page for the information.

    Amie xo

    1. thank you so much! i shall do this post next :) xo

  2. this is so helpful as recently I have found myself getting so stressed and worked up over the silliest things. For example, I bought some clothes the other day, got home and realised I didn't like them so I needed to take them back. I got so worked up about it because I didn't know when I will next be able to go to the shop to take them back.. ended up crying about it! That's just one of many things like that, that I have ended up crying/losing sleep/feeling sick over. I wish I wasn't a stressor! x

    1. stress is one of the most horrible things and can make you feel all sorts of emotions, both physically and emotionally.
      i am glad this has helped you and i hope you eventually got to the shop to take those clothes back. I'm a bit like that, "when will i be able to find time to do this" i constantly ask myself in those situations and then get so stressed about it.
      You just need to take a big deep breath and try to calm yourself down and say everything will get sorted and it will all be fine soon, look to a much brighter positive future. i have gave your blog a follow too, thank you so much!
      Laura xx

  3. Love these tips! I just had my final high school exams in June and boy it was such a stressful and awful time! I love the part about having me time, but also hanging out with other people and just do stuff you enjoy and especially be with people you love and that love you and don't pull you down. I believe that life just has to be lived with a positive and a YOLO attitude ;) Great post.

    Laura x (name buddies!)

    1. Thank you very much, that means an awful lot!
      And oh goodness, I had mine too, they were dreadful! but just think, they are over now and the past is in the past. I'm sure whatever you achieved was fabulous!
      And exactly, you cant be having an negativity in your life!
      I shall definitely be giving your blog a follow!
      and oo snap with the name! ;)
      Laura xx
